Bookman Associates specializes in training and coaching the leaders and staff of community development organizations in going from planning to implementation – Getting It Done. 

Using a curriculum designed during his tenure as managing director of the Institute for Comprehensive Community Development, Joel Bookman provides coaching for executive directors and community and economic development managers, as well as offering staff training and project management advice to transform great ideas into successful outcomes: visible, effective projects and programs that produce positive community changes.

When one-on-one advice is needed, Joel listens. He is available to discuss project development, organizational management, and board relations in a collegial and respectful manner. A regular check-in via phone or videoconference can be scheduled to offer policy guidance, best practices, or simply to share thoughts and develop strategy.

Here is a sampling of some recent training and coaching sessions led by Bookman Associates:

  • The Five Most Important Actions You Can Take to Jump Start Your Commercial Corridor

  • How to Show Results Quickly and Create Excitement

  • Three Commercial District Success Stories and How You Can Be Next

  • Linking Neighborhood Assets to Growth Clusters in the Regional Economy

  • Project Management: Going from Planning to Implementation

Nuts and Bolts of Planning Meetings